Why a FortheDream NFT?

For the Dream
2 min readJun 8, 2022

Today is a warm Monday evening at a local Starbucks as I write this article. I ponder on what is the best way to introduce myself and the other crazy co-founder Giovanni Said into the world. I decided to learn how to write and take you on this journey documenting what the journey has been so far. We were both raised in New Jersey as first-generation Egyptians who had no idea where to take the following steps in life. As our friends go into entry-level jobs, and study for medical, dental, law, pharmacy, and whatever other graduate-level schools you can think of, here are two idiots trying to gain attention to their business by shitposting on Twitter and Discord. It sounds like madness but we were never the ones to follow the crowd.

Hoodie’s Basement for Gio and Danny’s 21st

These two idiots are just two kids that want to make a change in any way. To be an inspiration to brown kids that do need to follow what everyone else is doing to be successful. To go out and push no matter the circumstance. FortheDream is our outlet to share our story. We might not be the most intelligent or the most innovative in the NFT space, but what we can guarantee is the amount of heart we will put into the space.

FortheDream Second Collection

2 years ago we launched the second apparel collection of FortheDream. It was a big risk as we decided to make the apparel in one of the rooms in our off-campus apartment in college. We were called stupid, lazy, and wasting our time because we were not studying. But, we were able to build a community of positivity. This has been the main motivation for our NFTs, to create a safe place for people to let out their inner child and be comfortable with being vulnerable in a tight-knit community. We have not been the most consistent we can be since our start in web 3 which has led to slow growth. But what we promise is to document our lows just as much as our highs.

